World Population

The world population has been a big concern for globalists for a long time. And yet, population growth is one of the strongest arguments for a young earth age that includes a flood 4,000 years ago. If the old earth argument was true and man has been on the planet for 200,000 years then the question must be asked, “Where are all the remains?” Ken Ham has reported that if man had been on earth just 50,000 with the population growth rate average being 2% the population would now be over 10 to the 92nd power. That is a 10 with 92 zeros behind it. That is more than the number of atoms in the universe.

But the fact of the matter is the population of the earth hit one billion just 200 years ago and we are now just at eight billion. Dr. Henry Morris calculated several years ago that that if you went back in time and subtracted 2% each year that by the time you got back just 4,000 years ago there would only be two people. That is hard evidence for a young earth. The interesting thing is human fossils, especially so called intermediate human fossils of evolution theory, are very rare. Just believe God’s word.


Solid Proofs of the Biblical Flood


It’s All About Faith