It’s All About Faith

The debate about how this universe came into existence and all it contains, including the human race, can never be won by either point of view. There are really only two fundamental explanations, there is a God or there is no God. The only way to win is to produce God for everyone to see; or produce observable, repeatable, unfalsifiable, evidence that there is no God. Neither is possible. The existence of God is not testable using the scientific method. There are many strong indicator’s that God exists but those who do not believe He exists can come up with “just so stories” like evolution, big bang theories, and other ideas about why the universe is old and the Bible can’t be true. But here is my point. They have to accept their explanations by faith just like we creationist have to believe the Bible is the word of God and accept its testimony by faith.

Norman Giesler and Frank Turek wrote a book a few years ago they titled, “I don’t Have enough Faith to Be an Atheist.” The point of the title is believing there is no God has to depend on assumptions and explanations that have little bases in science, logic, or observable reality. On the other hand, creationist use the Bible as their bases for their assumptions that are supported by science, logic, and observable reality. Here is an example. The creationists believe God spoke the universe into existence out of nothing. The atheist long ages side accept the premise that the universe did not always exist so they have to believe something came from nothing without a beginner or intelligence; something totally in opposition to logic. Logic requires that for something to exist there has to be a cause capable of bringing it into existence.

The final analysis is this. Both sides have to accept their premise by faith. When each of the two sides are used to explain what is observable in the way things are, the creation side does so with much more support than the atheist side. Leave it to God to make it that way. It is as Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith it is impossible to please Him (God), for we must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” He created in such a way that faith in Him is supported by what He created.


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