The Different Assumptions Betweeen Young and Old Earth Creationists

There are two major categories that divide creationists into two separate groups. Both believe God created but differ greatly on how and when. The young earth group believes the earth is only 6K to 10K years old. The old earth group believes the earth is around 4.5 billion years old. Why the difference? The answer lies in their assumed authorities.

Those who believe the earth is young do so because the literal interpretation of Genesis 1 and the chronology given in Genesis 5 and following give specific numbers of years. Understanding that the Bible is the infallible, inerrant, inspired word of God, they follow it for determining their assumptions when developing their science.

Those who believe the earth is 4.5 billion years old do so on the bases of the observations made by the study of astronomy and the explanations given for the development of living organisms over long periods of time. They believe God created but follow present day science explanations of how things are rather than the literal explanations given in the Bible. In doing so, they have to give interpretations of the biblical record that require redefining words and show the Genesis 1 account to be myth or fable rather than a literal historical statement of the creation week.

The difference between the two groups is clear. For the young earth group God’s word is their ultimate authority. On the other hand, for the old earth group man’s science is the ultimate authority. Let me add here that man’s science is the ultimate authority for the atheists as well. These differences are important to know when you get into a debate about origins of the universe. You need to know where your opponent is coming from.

I determined a long time ago that depending on the Word of God is the wise thing to do when it comes to having the true explanation of who we are and where we came from. His word is unchanging and Jesus, the living, resurrected Son of God, told us in John 17:17 His Father’s word is truth. To be honest, I am a young earth creationist because I believe Jesus, the Creator come in the flesh while on this earth, was a young earth creationist. I can have no greater authority than Him.


It’s All About Faith


Dinosaurs in the Bible