Dinosaurs in the Bible

I have a power point presentation I have titled Dinosaurs in the Bible. Let’s face it. Dinosaurs are the icon of evolution theory / worldview. When people see dinosaurs in movies, museums, documentaries, they immediately think millions of years ago. It is called indoctrination. I put my power point presentation together to show there is all kinds of evidence that the dinosaurs died out recently in the last 500 to 1000 years. You would expect that to be the case if the biblical record of creation in Genesis 1 is true. Dinosaurs would have been created along with all the other animals on day 6, were on Noah’s Arc, and survived for a period time after the flood. My presentation gives some of the growing evidence that that is exactly what happened.

The book of Job describes two dinosaur like animals. Job 40 describes a large animal called Behemoth that has a tail like a cedar tree. Job 41 describes a dragon like animal called Leviathan with reptilian features. God uses these large animals as examples of His creative power to humble Job’s questioning of God’s dealing with him. The point is God’s rebuke would have no substance if Job had not seen these animals that are now extinct.

There are detailed carvings on burial rocks from Peru of different dinosaurs. Dinosaur figurines from graves in Mexico. these carvings and figurines date back as early as 500 t0 1000 years. There are footprints in various places around the world that were made by humans and dinosaurs in the same place and time. There are drawings of dinosaurs found on cave walls as well. These and many other evidences that man and dinosaurs lived together recently after the flood are well documented in various creation ministry websites.

Another strong evidence that dinosaurs died out after the flood is C14 being found in dinosaur bones. Carbon 14 has a half life of 5,730 years. That means when any living thing that breaths air dies the Carbon14 begins to revert back to Carbon 12. Every 5,730 years after death there will be half as much C14 left in the bones than there was before. After 100,000 years all the C14 should be gone. If a dinosaur died 65,000,000 years ago C14 should be long gone. The Institute in Creation Research (icr.org) did a study on various dinosaur bones and found there was C14 still left in the bones. Their calibrations showed the bones could only be a few thousand years old going back to the time of the flood.

It turns out that dinosaurs, the icon of evolution, gives far more evidence for creation than it does for evolution. In the back of my book, No Other Gods, I give a list of creation ministry websites you can go to for more evidence of creation. Be sure to watch my posts on YouTube Dr Steve Kern Just believe God’s word.


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