Solid Proofs of the Biblical Flood

There are many irrefutable proofs of the worldwide biblical flood that can be seen all over the world. When you look at rock formations that have been cut away such as in the Grand Canyon there are layers and layers of strata that were laid down by underwater mud flows that were made to undulate back and forth causing the strata to develop in the sediment that became rock after the flood. this can be observed in the rock formations left behind after the Mount Saint Helen’s eruption took place back in 1980. When subsequent mud flows cut through the original mud flows there were exposed walls of sediment rock with layers of strata in the rock that were produced in a matter of hours not millions of years. This made it clear that worldwide layers of strata were produced by underwater mudflows during the catastrophic flood.

One of the most irrefutable proofs is what can be seen in the layers of strata. They are called polystrate fossils. “Poly” meaning many and “strate” meaning strata. These are fossils of trees, animals, and other objects that are found standing up across multiple strata layers making it clear that the strata and fossils were laid down together at the same time. Secular geologists tell us the strata are layers laid down over millions of years. The polystrate fossils totally destroy their theory.

Another similar proof that shows the strata were laid down all at once is the missing fragments of meteorites. The earth is pelted with small meteorite debris every year. If the strata were laid down slowly year by year there should be meteorite fragments in the layers. They are not there. One other thing. There are fossil remains of ocean life found on top of mountains that tell us the mounts were once under water before being lifted up as the crust of the earth rose in some parts of the world and sank in other parts of the world. Just believe God’s word.


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