What Makes Absolute Truth Absolute?

Absolute truth is something that is always true. Anything that contradicts it or is the opposite of it cannot be true. For example, if it is true that God exists then atheism cannot be true because it is the opposite of the truth that there is a God. The existence of God brings up an interesting point about absolute truth. Genesis 1:1 tells us, “In the beginning God…” This statement tells us that the God of the Bible was preexistent to time. That tells us that He is infinite in existence. In other words, He has always existed. He had no beginning and will have no end. Before there was anything there was always God. If that is true, and I will be using this website blog to prove it is true, then God is the ultimate absolute truth because all that is, was, or ever will be is because God always is. That is why He refers to Himself as the “I Am” or eternal present. Because of His eternal presence, He is the ultimate absolute truth that makes all absolute truth absolutely true.

Because of the development of evolution theory, secular humanists concluded that the creation could be explained without a Creator. Modernists then concluded, there is no God and so there is no absolute truth. This became the basic assumption of their philosophy. Modernism has evolved into postmodernism, assuming that if there is anything that is true it cannot be known.

These ways of thinking led to the concept of relativism meaning there is no absolute truth. So, truth is what a person determines to be true in their own way of thinking according to their worldview. Relativism is a foolish contradiction because it believes the opposite of the definition of truth in Logic, which is, if something is true the opposite of that truth cannot be true. In other words, relativism, according to Logic, is not rational.

The fact of the matter is we are submerged in a sea of absolute truth. For example, once an event happens in the progression of time, that event, the moment it takes place, becomes an absolute unchangeable truth in passed time that can never be changed. Another example is once a law of science is established, it is understood to be absolute because it never changes. That is why it is considered to be a law.

The previous examples I just used lead me to make two points. First, because the Bible is a historical account of events that happened in the past (and inspired by God’s Spirit), including the creation week, it is absolute truth. Second, because the Creator, who is unchanging, the natural laws defined by science He established in His creation can be trusted to be unchanging laws.

After a professor gave his arguments to show there is no absolute truth, a student raised his hand to ask his question, “Sir, do you believe what you just explained to us to be true?” The professor replied without thinking, “absolutely!”

My question, “What makes absolute truth absolute?” should more appropriately be asked, “Who makes absolute truth absolute?” The answer to my question is, “In the beginning God created…” God is the ultimate absolute of all absolute truth.


The Ultimate Reality


The Absolute that Established all Absolute Truth