The Ultimate Reality

Evolutionists, secular humanist, and atheist in general believe that the universe is all there is as a self -creating accident. A popular new theory is this universe is just one of a vast number of universes having similar evolutionistic beginnings that have evolved to various levels of perfection. But really, what is the truth?

Genesis 1:1 gives us a big clue. It states emphatically, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” This verse tells us that God was in existence before He created the universe and all that is in it. That being true, we have to assume that God existed in infinite dimensions out of which He created the new dimensions of time, space, and matter to make up the physical continuum we call the universe. The dimensions God continues to exist in we now refer to as the spiritual realm or supernatural realm. This being true, we must conclude that the supernatural realm is the ultimate reality because it is the dwelling place of the God who is the Ultimate Realty from whom all things have come into existence.

Our universe and we who dwell in it exist because God, the Ultimate Reality, exists. What this means is the spiritual realm is more real than the physical realm which is an extension of the spiritual realm. There is so much evidence of the existence of the supernatural realm I am referring to as the ultimate reality. The Bible speaks a great deal about manifestations of spiritual beings including angels, demons, and also appearances of God Himself including the pre-incarnate Christ. Hebrews 13:2 tells us by giving hospitality we may have entertained angels without knowing it.

There are many testimonies of people encountering angels down through history. Evangelist Billy Graham wrote a book titled Angels where he records appearances of angels. There are several books written about people who died and went to Heaven for a period of time. Some have even gone to Hell. A common testimony of those experiencing Heaven speak of how they felt far more alive there and the place felt much more real than when they returned to this life in their physical bodies.

What does all this mean? We can know God is real and He is present with us. When we pray, we can know we are praying to the most real Being in existence who knows who we are and every aspect of our being and circumstances. He hears every word of our prayers. We have guardian angels and, if you are a Christian, you have the very Spirit of God living in you.

Let me close with this question. When you look around you and see all the wonders of this creation that you are a part of, what is it that you are seeing? Here is my answer. You are seeing the confirmation of the existence of its awesome Creator God, the Ultimate Reality.


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