The Absolute that Established all Absolute Truth

Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” This is the very first verse in the Bible. It is the oldest statement ever written given that it begins the first toledoth passed down to Moses that he used to compile his historical account of the history of creation. The verse makes the point that Creator God was preexistent to the time, space, matter continuum we know as the universe and all it contains. This verse tells us that the universe exists because Creator God exists who then is the ultimate reality that is the Absolute that is behind all of what is really true. In other words, all that is true is an extension of the existence of the God of Genesis 1:1 who is the ultimate truth of all truth. He is the Absolute who is the reason why all that is true is absolute.

True religion, true philosophy, true science, true law, true morality, true purity, etc. are only true if they are extensions and an outgrowth of who Creator God of Genesis 1:1 is and all that He is. Genesis 1:1 is the foundation of all that is true. For example, a religion that does not begin with the God of Genesis 1:1 cannot be true because only the God of Genesis 1:1 is the truth. Philosophy that leaves out the God of Genesis 1:1 will never develop a true explanation of the meaning of life because they leave out the absolute truth that gives life meaning. Scientific investigation will always be based on false assumptions because they are not based on the foundational assumption that what they are studying has a Creator. The God of Genesis 1:1 established out of His own being what is right, moral, and good and so only He can be the ultimate authority of just laws and right living.

Why is it in this era of modernism and postmodernism that tries to deny the existence of truth let alone absolute truth? The answer, I believe, lies in the reality of the depravity of man. The concept of absolutes gets in the way of man’s fallen nature that desires to do as it pleases without fear of consequences or retribution. An absolute, all powerful, moral God has to be removed in order for depravity to be set free to do as it pleases.

What makes me think that Genesis 1:1 has to be the absolute truth? This God introduced to us in that verse in the process of progressive revelation chose one man, Abraham, to bless the world through his descendants. Then there is a whole history of the nation that came out of Abraham that this God continues to give prophecies of a Messiah who would come and prove Himself to be God. That man finally came 2,000 years ago and fulfilled every prophecy about Him in the Old Testament. Then He was crucified on a cross, buried for three days, and rose from the dead just as He said He would. More than five hundred people witnessed the resurrected Jesus over a period of forty days.

This same Jesus claimed that the God of Genesis 1:1 was His Father. I believe Genesis 1:1 to be the absolute truth because Jesus, the living resurrected Lord, believed Genesis 1:1 to be the absolute truth. The God of Genesis 1:1 is the Absolute that established all absolute truth.


What Makes Absolute Truth Absolute?


Helping Widows and Orphans According to James 1:27