Can Something Come from Nothing?

The title of this blog post, Can Something Come from Nothing?, is a very important question that takes us to the very heart of establishing the reality of the existence of God. Simple logic causes us to conclude that it is impossible for something to come from nothing. The very definition of “nothing” can be understood to mean the total absence of anything. That being the case, we must conclude that if there ever was nothing in eternity then there would always be nothing, a total void.

But, our very existence in this universe is an expression of a vast something full of all kinds of various somethings. Simple logic again tells us that if there is something then something has always had to exist because something cannot come from nothing. So, there is a vast universe that makes it clear that there has always been something in existence, because if there is something then something has always had to exist.

That brings us to the next question we must ask. Has the universe always been in existence? Science has made it clear that the expanding universe had to have had a beginning. That means there was a time in the past when the universe did not exist. That fact leads us to conclude that if sometime in the past the universe did not exist, but something has always had to exist, then something was already in existence before the universe came into existence. That something then had to have caused the universe to exist? Atheistic cosmologists have come up with all kinds of explanations of how the existence of the universe can be explained without a preexistent Creator. In doing so they have to violate the law of logic that tells us something cannot come from nothing.

Genesis 1:1 tells us, “In the beginning (of the universe) God created the heavens and the earth.” This verse tells us that God existed eternally before he created the universe. That satisfies another law of logic that says, “Every effect has a cause and the cause must be greater than the effect.” The universe that had a beginning requires a Creator to exist that has the ability to bring into existence all that the universe is and all that it contains. He must be eternal to preexist before the universe. He must be all powerful to be able to bring it all into existence. And, He must be all intelligent and wise to have created everything with intricate purpose and design. The God of the Bible is the only God in all of the religions of the world that satisfies all the requirements of the Creator to be the Cause of all that the universe is and all that it contains. He is the eternal Something that is the explanation for why there is something (the universe including us) rather than nothing. Just believe God’s word.


The Necessity of Science


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