A “No Other Gods” Testimony

I have been passing my book, No Other Gods, out to prisoners at the Lexington Assessment and Reception Center (LARC) section of the prison for two years. All Oklahoma prisoners are sent from the county jails to LARC before they are sent to one of the state prisons in Oklahoma to serve the rest of their time. While in LARC the men are in their cells 23 hours a day with one hour to be let out for showers and walking around. They have a lot of time most of them use to read. I want to share one of the cards I got from a young prisoner that is an example of the many cards I have received. I will not give his name, but he is a young man like several who have been touched by this book. I count it a blessing to be able to share this testimony with you.

“Hey Mr. Kern, I read your book “No Other Gods” and it changed my whole view of life. Growing up, I went to church, but never fully understood the word of God or why I was on this earth. Now, I know that Elohim has a plan for me and that he loves me so much that He sent Jesus to earth to be put on the cross so my sins will be forgiven and that one day I can be with God for eternity. Thank you!”

God is using No Other Gods to help men in prison learn what the true worldview is and helping them to find meaning in life while being able to understand the rest of God’s word. I thank God for allowing me to minister to men in prison with this book.


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