Welcome to Operation Truth Ok

This is Dr. Steve Kern and I am glad you have joined me on my website. I will be posting a blog at least once a week My major objective for the articles I will be writing is to establish that the Bible is one true worldview in opposition to the modernism and postmodern rejection of absolutes and embracing the idea that truth is only relative to what an individual accepts as truth for themselves. Jesus Himself established once for all that God’s word is absolute truth when He prayed to God His Father in John 17:17, “Thy word is truth.” With the conviction that the Bible is God’s word I will be writing to many issues using the truth of God’s word to help my readers see what the Bible has to say about issues or circumstances and make choices according to what the truth is. It is my objective to help my readers to love God’s word, the truth, again. As I address different topics and issues I will also make it possible for questions to be sent in that I hope to answer from a biblical perspective. I have books to offer and CDs of songs I have written over the years that are all about communicating and celebrating God’s truth..

Information about me: I grew up in Southern Baptist churches and spent four years in the Marine Corps. I have a Masters of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. I was a pastor for forty years in three different churches and taught college classes on the Old and New Testament. My expertise is in the Biblical Creation worldview from a young earth perspective and Apologetics. I’ve written twelve books based on these topics.


Helping Widows and Orphans According to James 1:27


Eden’s trilogy available on Kindle