Other Dimensions

The Bible declared there were other dimensions over six thousand years before science began to admit their existence during the development of quantum mechanic studies that began to suggest their existence. The naturalists have believed that the universe and what can be seen and studied by observation is all there is that exists. This began to change as observations in particle physics super collider studies began to reveal the particles did not act according to observable physical laws suggesting they were moving in other dimensions beyond the observable dimensions into quantum dimensions. This was a hard pill for naturalistic atheists to swallow.

For biblical creationists this was a confirmation of what was already predicted by the Bibles account of creation. Genesis 1:1 tells us, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Here you have the establishment of the time (beginning), space (heavens), earth (matter), dimensions created by God. God as Creator of the physical dimensions has to have existed in other dimensions before He created the universe. God who, conserves the universe, must have interaction with the physical and nonphysical to maintain this control.

The biblical account divides the creation into two realms, the physical and the spiritual. The Bible tells us that God is spirit but has interaction with the physical. Colossians 1:17 speaking of Jesus as God makes this very clear, “He is before all things, and by Him all things holds together.” God is the ultimate energy source who holds all matter together. The discoveries in quantum mechanics are giving evidence that this is true; physical dimensions are interacting with the spiritual dimensions.


Jesus the Eyewitness to Creation