Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern is My Wife

Having the last name, Kern, and being a pastor, some of you may be wondering if the controversial Rep. Sally Kern is my wife. The answer is yes most assuredly. Next January we will have been married 42 years.  We were married on January 23, 1970 at Hillcrest Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas at the original location on Beckley. Since then it has been an exciting adventure following the Lord’s direction.

We first attended McArthur Blvd. Baptist Church for 3 years while I attended school, worked as a wall paper hanger, and Sally was a receptionist for C. Wade Freeman who headed up the Evangelism Division of the S.B.C. of Texas. Our pastor at that time was Ron Dunn who later became a well-known conference speaker in the S.B.C. While at McArthur we were called to join The True Vine Ministry in Grand Prairie, Texas where we ministered on the weekends to street kids during the Jesus Movement. That was in 1973. This move was a real test of faith because we were required to sell all that we had, give up our jobs, drop our education plans, and trust God for our every need. We did that and God blessed us with a real growing experience in faith that has impacted us for the rest of our lives. During this time the ministry moved us to Palm Beach, Florida where we worked with Haverhill Baptist Church until the Lord called me to preach. At that time we resigned from The True Vine and I went back to school. I finished college at Palm Beach Atlantic and then moved to Fort Worth, Texas to work on my Master of Divinity Degree. It was during this time our two sons were born. After seminary, I pastored in Lone Star, Texas and Boise, Idaho before moving to Oklahoma City where we have been for 15 years.

Sally ran for State Representative in 2004 as a “decidedly Christian candidate who believed we are in a cultural war for the very existence of our Judeo Christian values.” She won by 68% of the vote. Her first session in office presented her with the challenge to remove homosexual themed books out of the children’s section of the county libraries. It took 3 years but she won that battle at the cost of alienating the homosexual political activists in Oklahoma. She has been targeted ever since she took that stand. She later gave a speech exposing a group of pro-homosexual millionaires who were actively working to remove conservatives from office in local government with the goal of replacing them with pro-homosexual candidates. In 2006 they targeted 70 campaigns and won 50 across the nation. They came after Sally with a vengeance but she never backed down. You can read her story in her new book, The Stoning of Sally Kern. You can find it in book stores and on-line at Amazon. It is a wake-up call to all conservative Christians to get involved politically before we lose our freedoms.


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