My Five Books, Described

I have written 5 books. I want to give you a brief overview of each.

No Other Gods: This book is a culmination of teaching scientific creationism for twenty years in class rooms, seminars, conferences, and sermon series’. It is a verse by verse apologetic of Genesis 1-11. It is based on the literal historical interpretation which includes theology, science, archeology, and devotional insights. The basic premise is that the Bible is its own worldview and consistent with its self as a progressive revelation of God’s redemptive plan being revealed in historical terms.

Eden’s Veil: This book is the first of a 3 part adventure novel series. It tells the story of a pre-flood descendent of Cain who is seeking the truth about his existence during the time of Methuselah and Lamech before the birth of Noah. The story is told in the context of a creationist understanding of the pre-flood world. there are dinosaurs and all other kinds of animals as well as year round growing seasons and violence caused by man’s rejection of the true Creator in favor of Lucifer the serpent god. There large cities, major highways, and giants living amongst the human race. The heroe Baqash is a seeker of truth much like many seek the truth in these later years. He learns of a garden where he can find the one true God. He goes on a quest to find that garden.

Eden’s Son: The story of Baqash continues in this second book as he feels compelled to leave the garden and return to his family to tell them the truth. he faces many hardships and some rejection as he takes his stand for the truth. There is a lot of adventure that keeps the pages turning.

Eden’s Tears: This is the third and final book that jumps several years ahead to the time when Baqash and Lamech are older and Lamech’s son, Noah, becomes the focus of the story. The book leads the reader through the process Noah and his family may have endured as they built the ark in preparation for the flood. It also gives a possible explanation of why only 8 people were all that were willing to board the ark before the flood. The story then takes the reader through the year spent on the ark and ends with the departure of those on the ark who must face a new world of challenges.

Judgment’s Greatest Question: This book tells my story in the first chapter and then follows Isaiah 58 as the foundational passage that gave inspiration to our philosophy of ministry at Olivet Baptist Church as an inner city church. The theme is why it is important as followers of Christ to be actively involved in meeting practicle needs as we work to win people to Christ.

My books are available under Steve Kern on


Who is Jesus


My Cup Runneth Over