God’s Hidden Plan of Salvation

After God planted the garden of Eden while Adam was being instructed as to how to take care of it and expand it as the human population would grow, He gave Adam a command and warning, “…of all trees you may eat but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day you eat of it you shall surely die.” He could have added, “and I will have to die to save you.” Why didn’t He? Because He didn’t want Satan to know His plan of salvation for all those who would believe in His plan. Jesus, the Son of God, was His plan from the beginning. He would take on a human body, born of a virgin, in order not to receive Adam’s fallen sinful nature. His sinless blood would be the payment to satisfy God’s law concerning sin. If Satan had known God’s plan, he would never have coerced the Jewish leaders to have Jesus crucified. It was Jesus’ shed blood that gave God the justification for kicking Satan out of heaven for good and condemning him to Hell. The word “satan” means accuser. Because Jesus paid the penalty for our sins, Satan can no longer accuse us to God.

God must love us humans very much. He does not have a plan to save Satan and the other fallen angels like He did for us humans. I think the reason is angels exist in the spirit domain and do not have the possibility of faith. They were not deceived like Adam and Eve were. We have the opportunity of salvation when we put our faith in God and His plan, Jesus, God’s Son.


My Asbury Revival Experience


Truth and Worldviews