Conclusions of the Atheist Worldview

It has been established to a large degree that the universe had a beginning. William Lane Craig in his book, Reasonable Faith, gives a detailed explanation as to why this has been shown to be true. This creates a dilemma for atheists because logic tells us something that had a beginning requires a source for its beginning. The acceptance of that reasoning requires atheists to come up with an explanation as to how the universe happened by chance to come into existence out of nothing. For them, the physical is all there is. There is no metaphysical existence beyond the physical dimensions. Dr. Craig gives an in depth discussion explaining some of the explanations by atheist thinkers as to how something can come from nothing. All these explanations in the end are found to be absurd.

Because atheists assume there is no God, they must accept the logical conclusions to their basic godless assumption. First, if there is no God then there is no afterlife. When you die, you become extinct. You enter into oblivion. You came out of nothing and you return to nothing. Total extinction means life is meaningless. You are here today and gone tomorrow. Nothing you lived for or accomplished has lasting value. You and all you have done is forgotten and time moves on without you. Second, life has no value. There are no absolutes and so nothing is right or wrong. There are no restraints. The strong gain control over the weak with no worry of accountability. A human being is no more valuable than a worm on a hook used to fish with. No one has any rights. Each individual is just one object existing in a meaningless chance product of a chaotic process governed by probability. Third, life has no purpose. There are no answers to the questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Is there more to life than this?

Many atheists try to live lives assuming there is meaning, value, and purpose not realizing or just denying that they are being inconsistent with their own worldview. The longer they live and deal with what it means for God not to exist they will begin to sink into despair and look for a way out or just grow in an attitude of anger and frustration grasping for something to hold onto that will fill their empty lives only to find that there is nothing there.

Blaise Pascal, hundreds of years ago, developed an explanation of the difference between the atheist and the Christian worldviews. It goes something like this: If the atheist is right, then he must live a meaningless life with no value or purpose and enter nothingness when he dies. The Christian lives a life of meaning, with value and purpose and goes into nothingness when he dies but has lost nothing. If the Christian is right, he lives a life of meaning, value and purpose and enters into an eternity filled with Love, Joy, and Peace. He has gained everything. The atheist, on the other hand, lives a life with no meaning, value, or purpose and enters into an eternity of total darkness and pain in a place called Hell having lost everything. The Christian worldview is a far greater choice to make when the plus and minuses are compared.


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